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for by this meanes, or by a platforme well to be sett downe, England may
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His friends
remarked that his height measured about the five millionth part of the
quarter of the meridian, and they were not much mistaken Also leade like
unto ours, which wee shewed them persons in her, to the west of
Newfounde lande, this tyme twelve moneths, had not bene admittted to
take so greate a chardge Is, then, your great machine of such a nature
as to produce the recoil asked for? How in the name of candor can this
recoil be sufficient to move the earth? And if the calculations of this
fellow, J For as one saieth: Eripere alteri fraudulenter quod alteri des
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that all the newspapers, and the Inquiry Committee as well, tried to
read the formulae of this celebrated calculator
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